Monday, June 23, 2014

Proud as punch

Hey Leo, you're about to pass the marker of 3 years and 3 months and I cannot believe all the truly beautiful things you can do.  You, little guy, are amazing and as parents we're as proud as punch.

In no particular order:-
  • Travel on a plane
  • Journey in a car for up to 8 hours without too much of an issue
  • Ride a train in style
  • Sit on the top deck and at the front of a double decker bus
  • Paddle a kayak around a friend's outdoor swimming pool
  • Travel on the foot board of the vespa
  • Smash plastic balls with your plastic golf club in quick succession
  • Dribble and kick a football
  • Bounce on a trampoline without a net with a wicked bounce
  • Will say, 'excuse me' (or on a bad day - move out of the way)
  • Bob about in a pool with your floaty jacket on
  • Ride your bike all on your own
  • Use your imagination with clarity and beauty
  • Climb the wall at the park with just those little moulded rocks to hold on to
  • Bat a ball
  • Laugh like a drain
  • Rocket down the scary tube slide (you refused to do this until a month ago)
  • Traverse the zig zag frame that's high off the ground at the park
  • Mimic riding a motorbike
  • Sleep through the night (apart from when you rise at 5am - that really doesn't count)
  • After finishing your meal you'll ask, 'please can I get down'
  • Scoot barefoot on your scooter with wild abandon
  • Are becoming a little more generous with sharing (upon reflection we're still working on this)
  • Can drink half a litre of banana milk in seconds flat
  • Identify all those wild animals that cruise the landscape of your home in Africa
  • Talk with your eyes

You still have a blonde streak, but hey, that's absolutely OK.  It means in our eyes you're not 100% bullet proof and that suits us just fine, because if you were you wouldn't need us and that is not up for question.  Ever.

We love you.


Anonymous said...

You know I wouldn't miss this, even in my craziness. BEAUTIFUL.

ps you might want to take stalled at 12 off...someone hijacked it long ago..I didn't write any penis entries~ promise :0.

Ggirl said...

Ah, Mary, you're here! Removed the address and the link to big willies ;)